Mental health in focus as MD kids head back to school / Public News Service

Mental health in focus as MD kids head back to school / Public News Service

As kids head back to school, advocates are calling for expanded access to school-based mental health services in Maryland and nationwide.

The National Association of School Psychologists recommends a ratio of 500 students to each school-based psychologist. Most states are not meeting the standard. Maryland’s current ratio is more than 1,000 students per school psychologist.

Sen. Malcolm Augustine, D-Prince George’s County, said the legislature has taken steps to expand access.

“In the last few years, we’ve had a real emphasis on mental health, behavioral health in our school system, and we’ve passed different pieces of legislation in support of that,” Augustine pointed out. “The biggest one was the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, which we passed in 2021, which expanded school-based health centers and increased the number of mental-health professionals in our schools.”

The state has been operating school-based health centers since 1985 when the first one opened in Baltimore City. The program has grown to 89 school-based health centers in 16 jurisdictions across the state.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated 20% of children have a mental, emotional or behavioral disorder and of those, only about 20% have access to specialized mental health care.

Caitlin Hochul, vice president of public policy for the mental health advocacy organization Inseparable, said school-based professionals can help bridge the coverage gap.

“Sadly, we know that most kids who have a mental health condition aren’t receiving the care they need and that’s really why school based mental health services are so important,” Hochul emphasized. “They help improve access to care. And are really one of the most effective tools we have to help improve children’s mental health well-being, because we are reaching kids where they spend most of their time and that is in schools.”

Inseparable has published a checklist to promote mental health in schools. They advocate annual wellness checks for all students, regular staff training around mental health and school engagement with families and the community.

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