Shortage of mental health resources a challenge in rural communities

Shortage of mental health resources a challenge in rural communities

Shortage of mental health resources a challenge in rural communities

Across communities in Wisconsin, young people are sounding a warning: Their mental health is struggling. Half of Wisconsin high schoolers reported feeling anxious, a third depressed and a fifth self-harming, according to the Youth Risk Behavior Survey in 2021,

Antigo, a town of about 8,000 and the county seat of Langlade County, is no different. Young people here need support for their mental health, just as their urban and suburban counterparts do. But a lack of mental health resources in rural areas like Antigo and persisting negative attitudes about mental illness and wellness can get in the way.

Faced with these obstacles, however, the kids themselves and adults who care about them are working to create positive change in their community.

Kids in Crisis spotlights children's mental health in Wisconsin.

Rural schools and communities short on money, mental health personnel

“One of the clearest and biggest challenges for rural schools is a lack of resources,” said Department of Public Instruction communications director Chris Bucher.

That lack of resources can be seen in more than just money; it also includes a shortage of mental health professionals such as student services staff or clinicians in the community, Bucher said. In addition, rural communities might also not have as many of the social determinants of good mental health, such as healthcare access and economic stability.


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